Supporting parents and educators of bilingual children

PEaCH stands for “Preserving and promoting Europe’s cultural and linguistic heritage through empowerment of bilingual children and families”.
The project supports European families raising bilingual and multilingual children. PEaCH will do this in the form of a handbook for parents, informative videos and an online collection of ready-to-use materials in 24 EU languages. PEaCH will also offer advice to educators interested in this topic as well as create a European network of PEaCH Ambassadors.
PEaCH’s mission is to offer guidance for parents and educators on how to support, maintain and develop a child’s home language(s). PEaCH also wants to raise educators’ awareness of the benefits of bilingualism and home languages.
More specifically our goals are to:
- Strengthen the acquisition and maintenance of the 24 EU languages among children in bilingual and multilingual families living in areas where these languages are less common;
- Offer user-friendly, age-appropriate advice to enable children between 0 and 12 to acquire their family languages;
- Instruct parents how to effectively pass on their native language to their children;
- Raise awareness about the benefits of bilingual upbringing among teachers in kindergartens and elementary schools as well as nursery staff;
- Create a European Network of PEaCH Ambassadors, consisting of educators and other professionals supporting bilingual and multilingual families.
University of Ghent, Belgium: Ghent University was established in 1817 and has 11 faculties, which offer high quality and research-based educational programmes in almost each scientific discipline. It scores highly in the main universities international rankings, due to the quality of its education, and is very active in both research and international/mobility projects, especially at the European level.
PMF Research, Italy: PMF is an Italian SME based in Sicily. Specialising in research and development in the ICT sector. Its core business is training and the development of web-based solutions for collaborative learning and educational content management. It has wide experience in EU projects, given that its European Project Office has participated either as coordinator or partner in more than 50 EU-funded projects.
Multilingual Parenting Ab, Finland: Multilingual Parenting supports parents and educators to raise children to speak more than one language, particularly to maintain the families’ home languages. Multilingual Parenting works closely with independent Family Language Coaches and Consultants across the world.